Unified 2014: Bulk and Grape Markets from Other Countries
Ever wonder what the grape and wine market situation is like in other countries? Ever wonder how our competitors view us as a major producer of wines for the world or even as a major market for their products? In the United States we have an abundance of good, reliable domestic market information from analysts, brokers, industry associations and others, but what about information on our counterparts in other wine-producing regions of the world?
Steve Fredricks will be moderating a panel bringing together industry experts from Australia/New Zealand, South America, and Europe to provide their “State of the Industry” addresses. Included in the panel are Stephen Strachan of Gaetjens Langley of Australia and Stephen Rannekleiv of Rabobank. Learn more about their domestic supply and demand situations as well as their perspective of where they fit into the world scene, including their interest in the United States as a major market for their wines.
Our aim is to make this a dynamic and interactive session. If you have any questions you would like answered please e-mail them to Daniel@turrentinebrokerage.com. It will help us to prepare an exciting session. See you Wednesday January 29, 2014
at 1 pm!