Turrentine Brokerage.com

Bulk Wine. Grape Brokerage. Strategic Brands.

Event: Cash Flow Workshop

Turrentine Brokerage has joined a terrific group of North Bay companies to sponsor a half-day workshop on the most crucial topic facing businesses these days: How to increase cash flow.


Lary Kirchenbauer, President of Exkalibur Advisors will be leading this half-day workshop, “It’s almost midnight.  Do you know where your cash is?” on Wednesday, May 25th 7:30 am to Noon at the Rohnert Park Double Tree. We sponsored this event because it is not only a critically important and timely topic for the wine industry, but because we know that Lary will deliver a practical, action-packed program that offers a great opportunity to really understand cash flow and most importantly, how to create more of it.


We think the program we have put together will be the most comprehensive workshop that’s ever been presented for wine industry members about what Warren Buffett calls the “lifeblood of business”. The wine industry has changed in significant ways over the last few years … and the need to pay closer attention to cash flow has come into greater focus than ever before as wineries are working to rebuild inventories.


What is so special about this program? First, it includes a fast-paced workshop that is short on jargon and fluff, and long on practical strategies you can immediately put to work.

Second, we’ve worked with Lary to build one of the most extensive programs we’ve ever seen. Most of the programs we’ve attended over the years are standard workshops with lots of handouts and reading material. In this unique program, the emphasis is on individual attention to do everything possible to help you understand cash flow and the levers you can pull to increase it.


In addition to the high-impact materials you’ll start receiving as soon as you register, the program also includes many special features that you won’t find in other workshops:


  • Two (2) conference calls so that you can get all of your questions answered, both before and after the workshop,
  • A Financial Literacy assessment to help you improve your knowledge of business finance, and
  • Once the workshop has concluded, a rare opportunity for you to benefit from an INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATION WITH A SENIOR FINANCIAL TEAM to apply these tools and techniques to your own business.


To register and learn more about this exciting program, please visit Exkalibur.com or call 888-351-8880.

Steve Fredricks
